Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Satchel Paige update for 1953 St. Louis Browns

Satch I need to add an adendum to my summary about the familiar names on the 1953 St. Louis Browns, as I left out probably the most recognizable name on the entire club. It's none other than the ageless Satchel Paige.

Satch was signed by Bill Veeck, when Vecck bought the club in 1951. Hailed as nothing more than a publicity stunt by the ever creative Veeck, old Satch was actually quite an effective hurler for the Browns. His best season out of the three is pitched for the Browns ('51, '52, and '53) was 1952, when he went 12-10 for a club that finished 26 games under .500 with a team ERA over a run higher. had Satch not been on that club, it may have very well qualified for KOD11 with 95 or more losses. :-)
Satch was still fairly effective in '53, with a 3.53 ERA for a club that again surrendered nearly a run higher as a group. He appeared in 57 games, all but four in relief, but won only 3 games while being on the losing end 9 times.

Although Satch was one of the Browns better pitchers, Veeck still was ever the showman when it came to the great Satch, as he put a rocking chair in the bullpen for him. The grand old hurler would relax in his rocking chair until called upon to pitch. I believe I've read that even on occasion a teammate would fan Satchel while he rocked away, and Satch was known to doze off out there on occasion.

--submitted by Bike Mike--

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